Alongside the correct mowing regime, having a well watered lawn is going to give you the healthiest and best results.
Grass is a plant like any other and as such needs water to survive and sufficient water to thrive. It is probably the no.1 question asked of our technicians. How much water and when and it is also the thing that most people get wrong.
There are two distinct areas where watering practice differs. Those main lawn areas in the open with full sun and those areas under a hedge or tree. For areas under a hedge or tree, little and often keeping the majority of the water applied in the top couple of inches of the soil profile. This is so the grass gets to utilise it rather than the tree or hedge. For the main areas of the lawn, we suggest watering at length and less frequently. How much you water will depend on soil type and drainage so you will need to be vigilant and frequently check the soil beneath your lawn until you get a handle on the amount and frequency. You will also need to keep an eye on the weather, not only for hot days with full sun all day but, more importantly, for lack of rainfall.
It is easier and more efficient to keep your lawn (soil profile) moist than it is to rehydrate it once it has dried out. The growing grass will insulate the soil and reduce evaporation. I would recommend watering for at least an hour in each spot on your lawn every couple of weeks at temperatures around 15 – 20 degrees Celsius if no rain has fallen and once every 7 -10 days above 20 degrees Celsius. This is only a guide. The best way to see if your lawn needs water is to check the soil. Cut an “L” shape in the soil and peel back the turf to see the soil profile, touch the soil and compare different areas on the lawn. The soil should be dark grey to black and cold/damp to the touch.
Keep an eye on the growth rate of the grass too. If it has plenty of water and warmth it should be growing quite vigorously. If it is starting to suffer from a lack of water it will slow its growth rate, it will not “bounce back” when trodden on and may become and dark green/grey in colour.
Watering newly laid turf
Turf can be laid at any time of year as long as the ground is not frozen and it has sufficient water. If your turf is being laid in warm conditions the onus is on you to keep the turf moist until “it takes”, by this we mean rooted. The edges of the turf will always dry out first – be mindful of this. To be successful you must ensure the soil beneath is moist at all times to encourage the turf to seek out the water within it. Turning back and the edge of the turf to see the tiny white roots after just a few days will show you are doing well.
Watering newly seeded areas
If you have had or are planning on a LawnsOne Repair and Rejuvenation or a LawnsOne Renew, your new seeding will need CONSISTENT moisture to germinate. We guarantee all our Autumn work as we know moisture levels are such that we will get the results you expect. If the work is booked for Spring then watering will be high on your agenda. Little and often is the key. We will get the seed in contact with the soil and it will draw moisture from the soil. All you need to do is keep that soil moist.
It must be said that this watering is probably the one area we have most dissatisfaction with as many people wrongly assume how much water is necessary to get a seed to germinate. We are called back to jobs and accused of using poor seed and claims of watering 24 hours a day are told, but when we look at the soil, it is dry! It is time and water consuming. Sometimes twice a day for 30mins or so is required. It is dependant on the weather, temperature, soil type, and even how windy it is. If you think it has enough water, think again and put more down. The seed we use is fresh each year and your LawnsOne professional will be happy to give you a handful to grow on tissue paper on a window cill to prove its viability.